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KArtsCon2023: Allyson Trostle – Arts and Health Roundtable

Allyson Trostle Bath is a third-year PhD candidate at the University of Kent studying representations of female mental illness in contemporary fiction. She has a BS in Journalism from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, as well as an MEd in Secondary Education and an MA in English from DePaul University in Chicago. In addition to working on her thesis, Allyson teaches Year 5 at her village primary school, where she is the head of Modern Foreign Languages. When she is not researching, writing or teaching, Allyson can be found chasing her two young children around the garden.

The Arts, Creative Expression and Wellbeing

Chaired by Dr Dieter Declercq, with Dr Ruth Herbert, Dr Stella Bolaki and Caroline Eastwood

Roundtable and Discussion

The Arts, Creative Expression and Wellbeing
How does creative involvement with the Arts support health and wellbeing in daily life? What are the ways in which the Humanities (languages, literature, the arts, history and philosophy) help us to understand aspects of what it is to be human, from emotional expression and empathy to historical understandings of illness and health?

This session introduces the work of the University of Kent’s Centre for Health and Medical Humanities. Launched in 2022 the CHMH brings together scholars who investigate the relationship of the arts and humanities to health, healthcare, medicine and medical education. It features four brief case studies, before opening up an informal discussion with panel members and the audience.

Case study contributions:

  • Emotion becomes book: Artists’ books in participatory arts and health contexts. Dr Stella Bolaki (Co-Director Centre for Health and Medical Humanities, Reader in American literature and Medical Humanities).
  • Health musicking in everyday life and participatory arts contexts. Dr Ruth Herbert (Senior Lecturer, Music psychologist, School of Arts, Dept of Music & Audio Technology)
  • Film sound and empathy. Caroline Eastwood (Film Studies)
  • Representations of female mental illness in fiction and the use of self-writing to manage emotional wellbeing. Allyson Trostle (School of English)

Roundtable Chair: Dr Dieter Declercq, Co-Director Centre for Health and Medical Humanities, Senior Lecturer in Film and Media.

Kent Arts Conference