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KArtsCon2023: Valeriya Korchagina

Valeriya Nikuta Korchagina is an artist with more than 15 years of experience in different art fields, an International Arts Fund member and an inspiring Art educator. Her fine art work explores a range of human emotions and feelings in search of true soul depiction. In pursuit of a more powerful visual influence, she is now working as a VFX artist for Film and TV at Cinesite.

Presentation: VFX – A Powerful Tool to Win Hearts of Film and Episodic Audiences

With the Entertainment industry expanding exponentially across the globe what keeps the viewers’ interest? When it may seem that all the stories have been told, it is the visual awe that makes people go to the cinema and tune into streaming.

The demand for enhanced visual stimulation pushes VFX artists to new highs and don’t they deliver?

An industry insider, Valeriya will show some of the tricks and treats VFX artists use to take your breath away. The presentation features showstopping water effects from a Marvel blockbuster as well as chilling creatures from the Netflix hit series.

Kent Arts Conference